This article is all about pollen, its ingredients and the effect of pollen. The following questions will be answered:

What is pollen?
How healthy is pollen?
What ingredients does flower pollen have?
Proteins in pollen
Antioxidants in pollen
Little fats in pollen
Minerals and trace elements in pollen
Vitamins in pollen
Enzymes in pollen

What is pollen?
The word "pollen" comes from Latin and means flour dust or dust.

The pollen is the male reproductive cells of the sperm plants, which are brought by the bees to the female part of the flowering plant. The plant attracts the bee with its nectar. When the bee has landed on the flower, it is automatically covered with the pollen and then carries it to the next flower. But even for the bee itself there is still enough pollen left, which you stick with nectar to small lumps and transport it to the hive in tiny baskets on the hind legs, the pollen panties. Such a pollen panus is about 6 - 10 milligrams heavy. For this reason, beekeepers also refer to this process as "squeeths". Arriving at the hive, the collective bee passes the pollen to the cane bees, which in turn stamps the pollen and mixes it with honey.

For the bee itself, the pollen means vital food, as well as nutrient carriers in the rearing of the bee brood. Without pollen, a bee colony cannot renew itself.

Scientific studies have shown that the pollen contains valuable ingredients for humans, such as proteins, fats (multiple unsaturated fatty acids), sugars, vitamins, minerals (especially potassium and phosphorus), amino acids and substances that inhibit bacterial growth. In addition, analyses showed that flower pollen contains different trace elements in a variety and balance than any other food. This is why pollen is often referred to as a real superfood. In principle, pollen differs from the ingredients not so much from honey, but with the composition of the same. Honey consists of about 80% sugar, while pollen is only 10%. With the pollen, all necessary trace elements are fed to the human body in the correct dosage. Already 30 grams of pollen per day counteracts symptoms caused by incorrect nutrition or illness.

But not only in this way, pollen and the activity of fertilization by the bee is extremely important for humans. Although the wind also helps to pollinate plants, about 70% of the plants depend on pollination of the bee. It is important to know that a clover pollen cannot fertilize an apple flower, i.e. only the pollen of the same plant species can fertilize a flower. Therefore, nature has set it up so that a bee, in search of nectar, commits itself to a plant species and flies it again and again as long as it blooms. In this way, nature ensures that as many flowers as possible are fertilized.

To collect the pollen, special, fine-mesh edits are attached to the hive. As they pass through the grids, the bees strip off part of the collected pollen, which in turn falls into a compartment below. The beekeeper can then simply collect, clean and process the pollen. However, the "pollen trap" should be removed regularly so that the bees have sufficient food to raise their offspring. Therefore, no more than 100 grams per day were taken. In addition, the collection of pollen should be limited to the time of the largest flowering, i.e. to the months of April to July.

At this point we would like to point out how wonderful and fantastic nature is. Flower pollen has been studied countless times and intensively for its ingredients. So you know very well what and in what composition pollen is made. Subsequently, an attempt was made to produce pollen synthetically and to give it to the bees instead of the natural pollen. For this purpose, the natural pollen was removed from the flower panties of the bee and replaced with synthetic pollen. The result was shocking - the bees died. This means that, despite intensive research, it has not been possible to copy nature completely. The final composition or the last mysterious component that makes natural pollen so valuable to bees and humans is not known.

How healthy is pollen?
Flower pollen is very healthy and provides the human body with a wide range of active ingredients, such as.B. over 20 amino acids and over 100 enzymes, which have an extremely positive influence on human metabolism. Flower pollen is not only used for specific diseases such as asthma, allergies or stomach problems, but they rejuvenate the body by stimulating and supporting cell renewal, increasing the activity of the organs and increasing overall well-being. Flower pollen is also known and popular among athletes as a performance booster.

Due to its low calorie count, it helps to lose weight and the phenylalanine contained is considered an appetite suppressant. In addition, lecithin in the pollen helps to detoxify the body and reduce body fat.

At this point we would like to go into more detail about the composition of the pollen in order to show you what valuable ingredients are contained for humans in the pollen. As described above, the ingredients of the pollen are very well known. However, the secret of all compounds of the ingredients has not yet been solved.

The exact distribution of all nutrients contained in the pollen varies according to location and origin and depending on the season. However, it can be said that pollen consists on average of about 30%-40% of proteins, about 55% of carbohydrates, about 3% of minerals and vital substances, as well as vitamins and about 2% of fatty acids. In addition, it should be noted that pollen contains a not inconsiderable amount of natural antibiotic. These antibiotics have a preservative effect and inhibit the metabolism of certain microorganisms. Thus, flower pollen or its contained antibiotic can counteract the propagation or existence of certain bacteria.

What ingredients does flower pollen have?
Proteins contained in pollen are purely plant-based and present in significantly higher numbers compared to animal proteins. This means that the same amount of pollen contains significantly more proteins than comparable animal products such as cheese, meat or eggs. Therefore, pollen is particularly suitable for athletes, vegetarians and vegetarians. A lack of proteins can lead to fatigue, sluggishness and lack of energy. It can also promote skin and hair problems, as well as lead to weakness and slackness of muscles.

Proteins in pollen:
For humans, the proteins isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine are considered essential amino acids. This means that they must be fed with food, as the human body cannot form them alone. On the other hand, they are very important for the construction of new or the renewal of existing cells, as well as for the formation of musel fibers. Important bodily functions can only be guaranteed if all amino acids are available to the body. If the body lacks an amino acid or if we no longer produce an endogenous active ingredient such as a hormone due to the absence of an endogenous active ingredient, important bodily functions can no longer be optimally maintained.

Antioxidants in pollen:
Flower pollen has a high antioxidant effect. Antioxidants are of great importance to our bodies as they provide protection against the harmful effects of so-called "free radicals". They reduce the effects of oxidative stress and related diseases. Due to the high number of antioxidants contained in the pollen, the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity, the unit of measurement used to measure the content of radical scavengers in food) is 164. This means that the value is above the value of all fruits and vegetables and thus actively supports our immune system.

The antioxidants rutin and carotenoids contained in the pollen are of particular importance.
Rutin protects cells, tissues and the skin through an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Rutin also has a positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels and improves metabolism. It promotes the build-up of elastic collagen fibers in the skin and inhibits the aging of the tissue. Rutin also protects nerves, eyes and brain, has a blood thinning effect and has a positive effect on high blood pressure.
Carotenoids can prevent the production of free radicals or reduce the damage caused by free radicals. The proportion of carotenoids contained in pollen is 20 times higher than in carrots. By converting the body into vitamin A, carotenoids have a positive effect on the skin, visual organs and blood cells.

Few fats in pollen:
The fats contained in pollen consist of about 70% of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, about 4% of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid and about 17% of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Adolescents aged 15 and over and adults should only cover a maximum of 30% of their daily energy needs via fats. With its low fat content, flower pollen is therefore particularly important for a balanced and healthy diet.

The lecithin, which occurs in about 10%-15% in the pollen, is important for the processing of fats. The task of lecithins is to distribute and convert fats from the diet. Lecithin has an extremely positive effect on our organism. It protects the liver cells and thus supports our most important organ for the detoxification of our body. It is used for performance and concentration as it strengthens nerve and brain cells. Lecithin is also involved in metabolism and is part of the mucus layer of the lungs and intestines, as well as the cell membrane.

Vitamins in pollen:
It is fair to say that pollen is a true vitamin bomb, because pollen contains almost all vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 to B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Provitamin A

The amount of vitamins B1, B2 and E is higher than has ever been found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B12 is also important, as this vitamin is extremely rarely found in plant-based foods. Vitamin B12 fulfils important metabolic functions such as cell division, blood formation and more. It also supports the nervous system as it promotes the build-up of nerve cells in the spinal cord.

1 gram of pollen contains about 10%-15% vitamin C. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is probably the best known of all vitamins. This vitamin is also involved in many metabolic processes and protects the cells from free radicals. Our body needs to take vitamins regularly with food. It is also popular as a dietary supplement to compensate for the deficiency symptoms of a one-sided and unhealthy diet. Our body needs vitamin C for a healthy immune system and strong defenses. The recommended amount of daily vitamin C intake is 90 to 110 milligrams per day for adolescents 15 years and older and adults. With only 1 gram of pollen, adults cover the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Minerals and trace elements in pollen
What applies to vitamins also applies to minerals and trace elements. The sensational composition of pollen covers almost all important nutrients:

  • Vitamin B1 to B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Provitamin A

The amount of vitamins B1, B2 and E is higher than has ever been found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B12 is also important, as this vitamin is extremely rarely found in plant-based foods. Vitamin B12 fulfils important metabolic functions such as cell division, blood formation and more. It also supports the nervous system as it promotes the build-up of nerve cells in the spinal cord.

1 gram of pollen contains about 10%-15% vitamin C. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is probably the best known of all vitamins. This vitamin is also involved in many metabolic processes and protects the cells from free radicals. Our body needs to take vitamins regularly with food. It is also popular as a dietary supplement to compensate for the deficiency symptoms of a one-sided and unhealthy diet. Our body needs vitamin C for a healthy immune system and strong defenses. The recommended amount of daily vitamin C intake is 90 to 110 milligrams per day for adolescents 15 years and older and adults. With only 1 gram of pollen, adults cover the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Minerals and trace elements in pollen
What applies to vitamins also applies to minerals and trace elements. The sensational composition of pollen covers almost all important nutrients:

  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Silica
  • Iodine
  • Etc

You can imagine that all these nutrients have more or less a positive influence on our organism. At this point it should be emphasized once again that flower pollen contains a ratio of all nutrients in an unmatched balance and is therefore so valuable.

Enzymes in pollen
And as if this weren't so sensational, flower pollen is also one of the most enzyme-rich foods in the world. Enzymes improve our body's nutrient absorption by splitting up foods and making them workable for the body. In addition, enzymes promote cell formation and cell renewal and thus also counteract the aging process.

To sum up, flower pollen is truly a superfood for bees, containing all the vital active ingredients for the human body in a unique balance and having a very positive effect on our health. Here again summarizes the effect of flower pollen.

Flower pollen is healthy because it

  • have vitamins that actively support cell regeneration
  • contain enzymes that promote healthy digestion (regulation of intestinal activity)
  • contain many antioxidants that protect the body's cells against free radicals
  • have partially "addiction-suppressing" effects on
  • due to the nearness of the pollen, have an uplifting, strengthening and "stimulating" effect on metabolism and circulation
  • intensify and support vision
  • effect an active promotion of cerebral circulation
  • lead to a strengthening of the fine blood vessels in the heart and brain, acting positv in mental ailments

Flower pollen supports our health:

  • positive effect on the bones and bone structure
  • have been shown to help fight allergies, asthma and chronic sinus itinerary
  • supports cell renewal and improves tissue
  • positive effect on mental health problems
  • helps against signs of fatigue, improves endurance and accelerates the regeneration of body and muscles
  • positive effects in osteoporosis
  • in case of weight and strength gain, the pollen has a positive effect
  • relieves loss of appetite
  • can lower cholesterol levels
  • helps the liver detoxify
  • general strengthening of the immune system
  • natural antibiotic and antioxidant effect

Unfortunately, many flower pollen products from Germany are contaminated with pesticides due to intensive agriculture and the use of pesticides. The pollen from Spain, which you can buy in our shop, is free of residues.

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