Honey wholesale

Our quality honey from our honey factory in the Black Forest is also very popular in honey wholesaling with a focus on Baden-Württemberg and in shops and hotels in the Black Forest. As a reseller, do you also place top priority on top quality and customer satisfaction? Then you have come to the right place in wholesale purchasing.

Please ask for the honey wholesale prices:

for resellers and beekeepers as kiloware: kontakt@honig-schmidt.de
for shop owners as bottled honey ware: bestellung@honig-schmidt.de
or by phone at: +49 (0) 7741-8352561
We send honey in 25kg tin cans. Larger shipping containers on request. Pick-up or self-organization of wholesale orders by forwarding agency possible.

We send all types of honey but also propolis on offer at wholesale prices. Here you will find all information about propolis wholesale.

By arrangement, we will be happy to provide you with your wholesale order from us in the honey wholesale in Lauchringen ready for collection.

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