You should pay attention to these 5 points when you buy honey:
A large part of the honey sold in Germany does not come from Germany and Europe, but is imported. A significant amount of imported honey comes from Asia, mostly from China. This is qualitatively problematic, because many honeys that contain a proportion of honey from outside Europe do not just consist of honey, but of a stretched glucose-rice-syrup mixture. In many media, therefore, one can read about fake honey that has nothing to do with a single-origin, 100 percent natural product. Therefore, we give you the following tips on what you should pay attention to when buying honey:
1. Pay attention to the packaging
Do not buy honey in plastic packaging as plastic can leach questionable substances into the honey and affect the taste. In addition, plastic waste is a global problem and products made of plastic should be avoided. Honey from our honey jars or buckets is harmless. The packaging does not react with the honey and is tasteless. Therefore, you only taste the pure, high-quality honey.
2. Where does the honey come from?
Pay attention to where the honey comes from. Honey blends from more than one country of origin are often declared:
«Mixture of honey from EU countries and non-EU countries»
There is a great danger that such honey mixtures contain honey from China. Honey products from China are often produced under questionable conditions. In so-called "bee factories" animals are tortured and killed, honey is processed at ultra-high temperatures and filtered ultra-finely and then even diluted with other additives. This can actually no longer be described as honey, because these products no longer contain any valuable ingredients for humans.
Residues of chemical pesticides and antibiotics were often found in this honey, which have long been banned in the EU, but still find their way into the honey this way.
In our shop you can buy the best natural honey
3. Fair prices for beekeepers
Our business relationships with our beekeeping friends often go back decades and generations. Producing high-quality, 100% natural honey takes time and is a lot of work. We pay a fair price for this work of our beekeepers.
We do not stand for an industrially manufactured product. Many cheap honeys, especially mixed honeys, are produced in so-called honey factories. A very high percentage of this honey is harvested unripe with a water content of almost 30 percent and requires considerable post-processing, i.e. the drying of the honey is not done naturally by the bees, but is done by machines. In addition, these "honeys" are stretched with rice syrup and heated to a high temperature so that they can be filled more quickly by machine.
4. No filtration and no heating
After the honey harvest, the honey has to be processed further. Many industrial honeys are strongly heated and ultra-finely filtered. This makes processing easier, but in this way all natural ingredients such as enzymes, vitamins, minerals or amino acids are destroyed in the honey. Although it is easier for the food industry to process, such honeys are of inferior quality, almost a pure sugar product. And a dead food item to boot. The industry then tries to add these substances back artificially.
BUT: Only natural honey contains all the ingredients that only nature or only the bees can produce in balance.
The valuable pollen is also removed during filtration. Have you ever wondered why many honeys from the supermarket do not crystallize at all? All natural honey crystallizes at some point - sooner or later, depending on the variety. Here, the sugar molecules attach themselves to the ingredients in the honey, such as pollen. If these ingredients are not present, the honey will not crystallize.
5. Store your precious honey properly
So that the unique aroma and the sensitive ingredients are preserved for as long as possible, honey should be stored in a cool, dry, odorless and dark place. But the most important thing is that the honey is stored tightly closed in the container. Otherwise the honey absorbs water and foreign odors from the environment and becomes inedible.
We wish you a lot of joy and enjoyment with our honeys.
Your Honig Schmidt team