Dear honey friends,
almost every day significant price increases for almost all goods are announced in the media and energy prices are rising significantly. So there are jumps in our purchase prices that we have never experienced before.
Today we have to pay up to 50% more for glass and tin goods, and up to 40% more costs arise for energy. Honey prices and the prices for honey products such as propolis and royal jelly have also been increasing to a not inconsiderable extent for some time. The reason for this is, among other things, the shortage caused by last year's poor harvest due to the weather. In addition, there are further cost increases, especially in shipping and packaging materials.
So far we have kept the prices stable. As a small, privately run family business, however, we also have to act in an economically sustainable manner in order to be able to survive in the long term. In order to be able to continue to produce high-quality products and work successfully in the future, fair prices are required, which we have to adjust if the costs for preliminary products, materials, etc. increase.
We feel compelled to make this price adjustment from May 1st, 2022. Until then, the current conditions apply to all products.
Shipping conditions:
The good news: We keep the price for shipping worldwide stable. However, we have to increase the free shipping limit for shipping within Germany from € 50,- to € 60,-.
Our top priority is that we continue to offer you our products in the usual high quality. We hope for your understanding.
Best regards,
Michael Kutter and Stefan Velte