Learn a lot about honey and propolis in this article.

Crystallization and can I heat honey?
In general, it can be said that honey with a lot of glucose tends to be candied, but honey with a lot of fructose does not. You can distinguish the honeys by color. Light honeys typically contain more glucose, dark varieties more fructose. Relique is possible without loss of quality.
To do this, carefully heat the honey in the water bath at a maximum temperature of 40°C.

Can I liquefy the honey in the microwave?
In general, it would be ideal because it's fast. However, one should refrain from doing so: 1. The water content in honey is not always the same. 2. The honey can be overheated quickly and there are important ingredients in the honey can be lost, because it is not possible to control the temperature accurately.

Proper storage of honey:
In order to preserve the unique aroma and sensitive ingredients for as long as possible, honey should be stored cool, dry, odourless and dark. The most important thing, however, is that the honey is stored well closed in the container. Otherwise, the honey from the surrounding area absorbs water and foreign odours and becomes inedible.

Why is there both liquid and crystalline honey and is there a difference in quality between them?
There is no difference in quality between liquid and crystalline honey. It is just a matter of taste.

How does the beekeeper achieve a special type of honey?
In practice, it says: Because the flowering times of different traditional plants occur at different times and in different places different types of honey are harvested. The separation of time and place is therefore important. Thus, if the beekeeper harvests the resulting honey after flowering of a variety, he can determine the result accordingly. Z.B. if the abundance of fir blossoms is so huge that a few rapeseed flowers that also bloom there can hardly distort the result "fir honey". Special honeys are e.B. heather honey or pine honey and lime honey

Honeydew - What is it?
Honeydew is always called in conjunction with salmon. Honeydew is appreciated and enjoyed in the form of bee honey. This then forms the basis for various types of honey, which are called leaf honey, fir honey or forest honey.

How do I take Propolis?
Propolis can be taken as a tincture or powder. You can mix the tincture with honey or take it with tea, milk or a piece of sugar.

How much and how often do I take Propolis?
You can sprinkle propolis powder or propolis cream directly on the places or cream. For oral use, the powder can be diluted in hot milk with honey. You can mix the propolis powder with honey and take advantage of the great taste of the honey, besides, this kind of enjoyment is very good in taste. It is said that the daily intake is 3 grams of propolis por day. As a tip, you can start the daily intake with 1g first and then slowly increase to 3 grams. 

Shelf life & proper storage of Propolis?
To allow the shelf life of at least two years, store at room temperature cool and dry.

When should I not use Propolis?
Very few people are allergic to Propolis. For allergy sufferers, it is therefore recommended to test Propolis in a very small amount only carefully. 

Propolis tincture yourself?
Propolis tinctures can be made by yourself. All you need to buy is Propolis Powder Propolis Solution

-30g raw propolis or propolis extract powder
-60g of 96% medical alcohol

Fill the propolis powder with the alcohol. Leave the mixture closed for 14 days at room temperature, shake once or twice a day. Then filter the tincture through a paper filter and fill it into a container. But you need patience for this, because it filters very slowly and the process can take several hours. Shake the contents of the bottle well before each use of the tincture.
Propolis cream can also be made by yourself. We sell propolis cream natruelle with propolis without artificial additives dermat. tested.

Disclaimer: Visiting this website cannot replace a visit to the doctor. If you have any complaints, consult a doctor.

In our honey shop you will find a variety of natural honeys and other bee products with propolis, jelly royale and pollen

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