What you can do with honey is probably familiar to most by now, where it is mainly used as a food or sweetener. But what about beeswax? Why is this even there and what is it all done?

Beeswax is produced by the bees themselves. In the abdomen, bees have the so-called wax glands, where the valuable beeswax is produced. For bees, however, wax production means real hard work. After all, in order to be able to produce one kilogram of wax, they have to eat a whole four kilograms of honey, which they must of course first collect beforehand. With this beeswax they then build their honeycombs.

When the beekeeper empties the wagons and hurls the honey, he does not let the laboriously produced wax degenerate into the honeycomb, but also removes it. The beeswax thus obtained is then processed into a wide variety of things. Most people are familiar with beeswax, especially in the form of wonderfully fragrant beeswax candles. It has to be said that you only get really good candles, which also have their typical honey scent, directly from the beekeeper, because the wax is gently dissolved there. This preserves the aromatic fragrances. The scent of such candles always depends on what kind of honey the bees have "stored" in the honeycombs.

In addition to the well-known wax candles, beeswax is also used as a basic or ingredient for body creams, but also for leather care products. In addition, beeswax is also excellent for impregnation of wood or as a care polish for wooden furniture.

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